Sunday, September 6, 2015

About This Week

- Long, long week. Lots of hours worked, lots of stuff to get done. I'm so tired.

- Training with new and returning coaches this morning. I think this is the first time we've done training where I haven't walked away feeling just destroyed emotionally; I usually go home and bawl because I feel like I'll never get caught up to where I want to be. And I'm still not. But today felt good. There's been progress. I'll take it.

- (I'm still picking apart what we did and thinking about how to retool for next year, though. I have ideas. It's dangerous. ;))

- Meeting up with Cris afterwards for a virgin mojito and a cheeseburger, and practically falling asleep at the table because, again, so tired.

- Writing a coaching roster and coming up short-staffed because my two lovestruck coaches (remember them?) won't work on the same days. #facepalm

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