Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Just Before The Start

I was originally supposed to go back to work on Monday; instead, the kids (and their parents) went on an impromptu vacation, and my week off (which had pretty much become three, when all was said and done) carried on into another.

It's been really amazing.

I'm battling quite a bit of guilt for even voicing this, because who gets to take this much time off? No one I know!  But it's been amazing.

Physically, I have slept (oh my gosh I've slept and slept and slept) and I have healed. I started to feel really good last week, but I didn't realize exactly how good until I realized that the heaviness and tenderness in my wonky ear (which I had assumed was new scar tissue since it had been going on since my last ear infection back in October) had disappeared. My lymph nodes along the right side of my face had had hard lumps in them since the last infection, and I realized this week that they were gone, too. I've been exposed to the stomach flu, to colds and crap, and I haven't gotten anything. It's been a long time since I had am allergic reaction to something (which was happening with scary frequency and intensity in the weeks leading up to Christmas). Basically, in the last few months I've felt like I was falling apart, and now I feel like I've got my feet back under me.

Not so physically, I've had time to be around my loved ones, and to scribble and think and to contemplate life and evaluate how well it's working for me, and identify some areas that aren't working as well. :/ Time to think about some changes I want/need to make in the future. Time to think about changes I can make right now.

Tomorrow, my kids come home. It'll be an early morning, my first in days, and I'm so ready. I spent the night in, puttering, tidying, making sure my life canvas was primed and fresh for tomorrow.

I'm excited to have a few days before school starts again to just be present with my babies - to wrap them up in my arms and remind us both how much we are loved.

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