I still enjoy snuggling with the family's latest baby, "Ranger". I have never considered myself a cat person - I'm for dogs all the way! - but Ranger has almost changed my mind. :)
I can't wait for the homeschool co-op to start again - I'm teaching two classes this year, "Writing and Composition" and "Film and Television," both at the upper high school level - but just in case the year doesn't go as smoothly as I anticipate, I'm prepared (see above :)).
This morning, after I was unable to sleep in (my last chance to do so for eight more days, but my body is used to getting up at 5 AM these days), Maggie and I ducked out for a little shopping and lunch date. I had money in my pocket to spend on new shoes for fall, and legitimate reason (it seems like all my shoes save pumps are literally falling apart!), but I couldn't find anything I liked that also fit well. Eep. Time to go to the mall, I guess.
I was in the mood to explore, so we ducked into the new Irish pub in town to check it out. No pictures, as I did not have a camera with me. Unfortunately the menu failed to grab either of us (the most "interesting" thing listed was a grilled chicken breast stuffed with apples and brie with plum sauce, but it was the only interesting thing and was priced quite a bit higher than the rest of the menu). Maggie ended up ordering a pub salad, and I went for the fish and chips. Maggie's salad was a bit of a flop - a very large bowl of lettuce with a few (very few) slices of green pepper and cucumber - but my fish and chips were actually better than the average seafood restaurants' around here. We both fell head over heels in love with their thick steak fries in malt vinegar. I don't know what they do to those potatoes, but goodness! Mmm!
The atmosphere was fun - lots of Irish folk music - but if we returned I think I'd throw "high dining" to the wind and aim for the fried. :)
My car air conditioning lost its oomph this week and though I was only without it for a few days, I am grateful to my dad for recharging it. I have had about enough of summer. I am looking forward to fall, sweaters, and tights!