Monday, April 21, 2014

Monday Randomizer

- I have this weird phenomenon happening at swim lately. Usually, my youngest students (i.e. hardest classes to teach) come first, then as the night wears on the students keep getting older. Aka, easier to teach. But for some reason this isn't holding true this session, and my classes actually get harder to teach. I have a private lesson first, then a class with two younger students, then a class with three preschoolers, one with special needs. By the end of the last class, I'm done. I hate feeling like that; it doesn't make me feel good about teaching when I'm not enjoying my students (don't get me wrong, there are always gonna be days when everyone is ready to throw in the towel and go home, but I've never had such a long stretch of such days in a row).

- On the other hand, my other private lesson joined a regular class today and while I will miss teaching her terribly, I am so proud of her! Granted, I can't really take much credit since Maggie did most of the teaching before I took over, but hey. ;) And her mom thanked me again and said that we were the best coaches in the universe. I am never going to disagree with that lol.

- Also, a mom of one of my preschoolers came up to me today and asked what they had to do to keep me as their teacher. If they needed to switch times, days, whatever. I love it when people claim me as "their" teacher! Especially delighted because this little boy has the biggest, brightest smile and one of the sweetest personalities I've ever gotten to teach. And he's been struggling with some skills because apparently he had awful ear infections as a baby, and now has tubes in his ears which make floating uncomfortable, but today he arrived wearing the most awesome earplugs and we made great progress!

- So basically, when I read the above, I'm like, "So why was it a hard night again?" Maybe I'm just burnt out. :(

- My family is having a garage sale on Saturday, and I'm determined to use this opportunity to declutter as much as possible. So far I've cleaned out my closet and clothes storage (one big bin of clothes going to the garage sale, and another big bag headed to my BFF! As she said, "It's like shopping through text message." Lol!), and I'm hoping to go through my books and magazines before then, too. I'm finally realizing that I'm very comfortable with less "stuff" in my life, and getting brave enough to shed the excess.

- One word: spring cleaning. Ugh. My "want to do" list is a mile high and meanwhile I'm decluttering/reorganizing so there are piles everywhere, making it hard to actually "clean" anything.

- But on the plus side: this is my first week of "the new normal" (juggling Abigail, triplets, and swim on what's going to be my new normal schedule). I can't wait. Right now I'm taking Abster to school in the mornings, doing triplets three days a week, and teaching three nights a week. Just the right balance of work and downtime. Hoorah!

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