Sunday, April 16, 2017


Cooking/eating: Chili. Sloppy joes. Chinese food takeout to celebrate the end of a long week. A little chocolate in honor of Easter. ;) Pork and roasted veggies.

Thinking about: Summer staffing. How I want to rearrange my life this fall. Repainting the trailer inside and out. Tiny houses. Converting a cargo trailer into a tiny.

Excited about: Only seven weeks left to our school year! Hosting a bonfire party. One last day of Spring Break. Summer break being just around the corner.

Watching: The eleventh season of Bones, all in one go after I was flattened by a horrific migraine and spent most of 48 hours in dark, quiet spaces. Amelie - I haven't seen it since college! An episode of Lost with Ruth to celebrate her passing her Lifeguard course.

Reading: Pride and Prejudice (I think it's safe to say I've now given Jane Austen a fair shot and I'm just not a fan). I finished "As Good As Gone" and I LOVED IT. Almost as good as "The Girl On The Train." I have a weird mix of classics and modern thrillers loaded up right now, and I have a little less than seven weeks to plow through them before June first and my annual reread of Atlas Shrugged.

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