Saturday, February 14, 2015

Even More Things I Love

- The end of the week after diving back into running, swimming, and strength training, when all at once your body starts changing. (But I could barely walk there for a few days...)

- The sound of the wind when you're safe and warm inside. (Praying we don't lose electricity, otherwise the girls and I will have to huddle together for warmth, but that's another story.)

- Sitting at the counter of a diner. (Reminder: don't go out to get ice cream with your dad on Valentine's Day. You will get judgemental looks.)

- Coffee. (Always.)

- When you finally get up the oomph to clean the house, and it's not as hard as you thought it would be. (Didn't get the girls' cage cleaned though. Gotta get that done this week.)

- Seeing a shot from Florida in a movie and thinking, "Oh my gosh, I'll be there in two weeks!!!" (So, so excited. And absolutely terrified about missing swim. Equal parts excitement and terror.)

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