Monday, March 11, 2013


So... I just counted, and the last three of my five posts have been randomizers. I've got about three topical posts all about half-finished, and I need to get my act together and get them finished!

But in the meantime...

~ I had a lovely weekend, filled with the season's first glimmer of spring-like weather. Hallelujah and amen! I can't wait for this winter to be over. It's been especially hard lately since a lot of my fav bloggers have been posting about how they're just seeing signs of spring all over. Notsomuch in my neck of the woods. This week looks like it'll be warmer (yay!), but rainy (ugh).

~ My new solution to drab, dreary days with no sunshine? Drink more coffee. I can't wait to try the new hazelnut macchiato.

~ Speaking of spring - I got my seedlings planted in my little tabletop greenhouse! I'm so excited about having a garden an getting to cook, preserve, and can my produce. :) This year I'm growing tomatoes, cucumbers, green peppers, brussel sprouts, and spaghetti squash.

~ And - possibly the most exciting sign of spring - my hens are laying again! I love my "ladies" - love how they provide me with fresh eggs, love how they come running to huddle around my feet when I come around, love how they cluck and fluff and peck. Basically, I'm in love with chickens. :) One thing I do need to do, however, is repaint the coop; the interior needs another coat of high gloss, and then I'm thinking a beautiful shade of either yellow or ivy for the exterior.

~ On Wednesday, Abby and I are going on her class field trip to a pizza parlor! We were supposed to go last week, but inclement weather closed the schools. I can't wait! Last year was so much fun!

~ I'm uber-excited about the fact that the winter movie hiatus is about to be over and interesting movies are gonna start rolling out in theaters. I'm hoping to catch Oz this weekend with Maggie, then The Host comes out at the end of the month (hoping maybe I can catch this while we're all in Alabama, since Robin loves Stephanie Meyers and I usually mock her beloved Twilight movies, lol). June brings After Earth (so excited!!!) and Monsters University (EEE!!!). July brings Despicable Me 2 (can't wait) and The Lone Ranger (so hoping that the reviews on this come back positive!). And then finally, August brings Red 2 (I loved the original Red), and Planes (cuz, you know, I love Cars).
It's gonna be a good summer. :)

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