Thursday, February 2, 2012

Little Moments Like That...

We had a brief taste of spring this week. Glorious sunny warm weather and those spring breezes that just make you want to go craft something. While I'm sure that there will be plenty more depressingly overcast/drippy/freezing cold days before spring truly gets her feet on the ground, it was as if the universe took a moment to whisper to me "... be patient. It's coming, and when it gets here, it will be amazing." :)

This week has been an abysmal failure as far as running goes. :) Had a date to run with my running partner, but she ended up not being able to make it and (I swear if you're reading this, Chrissy, I don't mean this the way it sounds!!!) it was a little bit of a relief to put earbuds in, turn my music up loud, and zone out all by myself, with this as the backdrop.

I mean, how more amazing can you get? And other than that wimpy 30 minute speed-walk session (I can't even in good conscience call it a run), that's been it for my week. I will do better next week, I swear.

On Tuesday, when I dropped Abby off at school, I noticed that one of her classmates was wearing long braided pigtails. Abby came home from school with a serious look on her face. "Sarah," she began, "I want you to put pigtails in my hair."

"I can do that," I assured her. She furrowed her brow. "I want... I want... I want the hairbands to be at the ends," she told me.

"You want braids?" I asked. Her little face brightened. "YES! I want BRAIDS!" she told me gleefully. We went home and I put her hair in two little braids and she ran to the mirror.

"YES!" she shouted happily. "I HAVE BRAIDS!"

You do indeed. :)

Valentine's Day is coming up! I'm psyched, 'specially since I have a "gal date" to get my nails done with my running partner. :)

I might need more valentines, though, with all the cuteness that abounds this time of year...

I resolved this week to bring back Abby's and mine Starbucks dates - one day after school for just the two of us to hang and do something special.

We started by feeding the seagulls - no pretty beach this time, just the Kmart parking lol LOL!

(Maggie says she's starting to get scared to go out with me since she swears the seagulls have started flocking to my truck on sight. Another friend warned me not to watch "The Birds.")

We ended with lunch at Starbucks - chipotle chicken wraps (I get the pepper jack cheese and she has dibs on the chocolate square, but only after eating her fair share of chicken strips and tortilla, dipped liberally in salsa).

Apple juice for her, shaken iced tea lemonade for me. :)

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