Saturday, February 26, 2011

A Picture Post

What's a blogger to do when she gets a bad case of "blogger's block"? Carry a camera around all morning and do a picture post, that's what! :)

I've been enjoying the beautiful roses Natalie brought me for Valentine's Day. I removed the leaves and trimmed the stems and put them in a low vase on my bedside table with two glass bottles from our Valentine's Day dinner celebration.

They've brought me lots of beauty, but in the last two days I could tell they were beginning to wilt - however, the flowers were still nice and tight, so I decided to dry them so I could keep enjoying them. :)

Sooo pretty!
I turned them upside down and arranged them in the way I wanted them to dry.

Then I took some twine and wrapped it tightly twice around the stems.

I flipped it over once to make sure I liked the arrangement.
Then I tied it tightly - cuz I have learned from experience that the stems shrink a bunch when they dry.

You have to dry them in a darkish dry place... and our upstairs unfinished/unused bathroom shower fits the bill!

All tied up!

I'll leave them there until they're fully dried, then I can put them back on my bedside table and enjoy them indefinitely! :)
While I was at it, I also dried the petals of the purple roses from a friend's bridal shower. These didn't hold up as well as the dozen roses and began shedding petals the day after I brought them home, so rather than dry the entire rose, I plucked the petals.

I spread them out in a thin layer in a bowl and put them in the bathroom with the others.
When they're dried, they'll be super fragrant. I'll crochet two small heart doilies, lace them together with ribbon, and stuff them with the petals to make a sachet, then return it to her with a note explaining what's inside. I've made these for myself before and I enjoy keeping the smell of good times as a keepsake! :)
Maggie, Anna, and I went out to dinner on Thursday and popped into Target, where I found these adorable bunny rabbit baskets. I bought one of each so I could come home and duplicate them. My family doesn't really celebrate the bunnies and chicks aspect of Easter, but as rabbit owners for over ten years we sure love our bunny stuff! :)

I was also looking for a small stuffed lion for Abigail. Every week we go to gymnastics, and she digs through the piles and piles of stuffed animals to find one specific tiny stuffed lion. When she finds it, she squeals with delight, holds it up, and says "Hiiiii, lion!" and then carries it around with her the entire class. :) She's always sad to leave it behind, though, so I wanted to find her her own to keep.

Isn't it cute?
Of course, while I was looking for a stuffed lion, I found this stuffed owl and just had to bring it home. :)

He's currently living on top of my copy of "The Hobbit". I do so love owls. :)
My littlest cousin Kathryn Rose is being baptized tomorrow, and I wanted to bring her a toy since I know she's at that age now - roundabout five months - that toys become important. :)
What could it be?

A stuffed chickie! Isn't it cute? :) I fell in love with it the moment I saw it. I hope Kathryn loves it as much as I do.

Here's my Driftwood Cap that I finally finished. :) I added an edging around the bottom but otherwise I followed the pattern exactly. I can't wait to wear it out of the house!
And so far that's pretty much been my weekend. :)
Btw, I have decided to do one original craft tutorial a week for the month of March, in honor of National Craft Month. :) I finished the first one today and it'll be posted on Tuesday, March 1st. Not gonna tell you what it is but... it's super cute, and after I finished three of them for the tutorial, I went back and made four more! :) The other tutorials will be posted on March 8th, March 15th, March 22nd, and March 29th. I'm going to be putting up a list on the sidebar, so keep an eye out! :)

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